Friday, November 1, 2013

Grandparents example of love

This week has been wonderful! My grandparents are visiting from Utah! I love them and their beautiful example of true love! 

The other day my grandma was laughing about how she underestimates how long she takes to get ready. She tells my grandpa she'll be ready in 15min. Everytime he patiently reads his book until she asks him to help her do something she forgot to do! 30-45 min later he is still reading but enjoying that time and accepting that part I her. It's so easy to let little things annoy us but it's when we learn to appreciate those little things about ppl tht really make relationships last! I'm so grateful for them! 

More pictures below of my grandparents, aunt and uncle and baby cousin.

Monday, October 28, 2013


"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision." Helen Keller

This is my vision board. I cut out all of the pieces in January, bought the board in February and finally made the board in April. Lol needless to say I should add an antonym for procrastination onto my board for next year. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Countdown has begun!

I found out this week that my official Fulbright ETA start date is January 27, 2014! I've been medically cleared and now I'm just waiting on my visa! Woohoo! 
I downloaded a countdown and app and I have 92 days until I leave!! Eeek! (There goes my excited/terrified shriek, again)

Words can't express the plethora of emotions I've been experiencing lately! Ranging from excitement to straight up fear! It's starting to feel real! 

If you're interested in knowing what I'll be doing...

I'll be living Vereeniging, South Africa for 10 months. I'll be teaching at the Sedibeng FET college with 4 of my cohort members! The rest of the cohort, there are 10 of us total, is spread out across the country! Cape Town, Durban, Rustenburg, and Pretoria!  

The group really bonded at our pre-departure orientation in June.  6 of them even came to visit me here in New York in September and it was awesome! We drafted a group project idea that we hope to launch by Thanksgiving. 

Feeling very grateful to be working with such a great, inspiring and talented group of people! God is good! 

Will post more soon! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

NYC, I'll miss you!


Upper West Side  and Snow days

Harlem and it's night life

My baby cousin, GG

My roomie, Simran

East Harlem (view from my room)


In the words of India Arie

I release all these disappointment
From my mental physical spiritual and emotional body
Cause I know that spirit guides me
And love lives inside me
That's why I today I take life as it comes

Claiming God's Kingdom

Matthew 6:33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." NIV

It is until we have found contentment with ourselves as we are, the place in which we dwell, the circumstances which we have been dealt, that we can finally enjoy the peace of happiness. When we constantly want more and desire what we do not have and where we are not that we are led not by the pursuit of happiness but by the pursuit of greed and desire. Our thirst is never quenched, our appetite is  never satisfied, always striving for something just beyond our reach. Ironically it is once we let go of this desire, this greed, our pride and ego, when we give up trying to be something we are not, give up living beyond our means that movement happens in our lives. Once we are content being a pauper our inner prince is able to shine through. We are meant to live like kings and rule over the earth. But that means we must take care of it, of ourselves and of it's people. You cannot be a king if you are seeking gold, you are nothing more than a pirate in a fancy robe. In order to be a true king or queen you must truly humble yourself like the saints that came before us. Reconnect with God, the earth, yourself and all of God's people.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Lifetime Learner

I graduated from grad school over a year ago! EEK! That was a shriek of excitement and of sheer terror. I tend to have a sense of dread any time I think of the fact that I am no longer in school. No longer in my comfort zone of the world of academia. In order to calm my anxious nerves about living in the real world, I am never far from a book! Because of this quirk, I am often asked for book recommendations... So I will attempt to recommend my top 10 favorite books of all time!

A young-adult novel about a young girl who believed in angels until her boyfriend died in a car crash. Ironically as her belief faded he became her guardian angel and couldnt move on to heaven until he was able to warn her that his murder wasn't an accident and she was next. It's a three part series. Beautifully written and this book sparked my faith in love and in angels during a time that I needed it most.

Although I am in love with every single Harry Potter book J.K. ever wrote, this one holds a special place in my heart. Books 1 and 2 set the stage and are definitely a necessary part of the series but they lack the humor, intensity and passion that this book captures effortlessly. With Harry finding and losing family, harnessing his inner strength and the beginning inklings that there might be more than just friendship brewing amongst the three musketeers. It may also have to do with the fact that I began reading the series when the third one came out, so it was after reading book 1, 2 and 3 without pausing in a weekend reading spree, while I was visiting my father in Wisconsin, that I caught the the Harry Potter fever and HAD to have book 4.

This plot is simple yet seductive. A housewife happens to meet the love of her life, while her husband and kids are away at a fair in a nearby town. A rogue and rugged photographer rolls into town in his pickup with one purpose, to photograph a bridge. But he gets soooo much more! It's steamy, yet sweet and light hearted! 

Staying with my theme of romance! I mean do you know a single girl that doesnt now swoon at this storyline... this is the only book where I didnt even try to find the original cover for the photo... reason being is because it's one of the only movies adapted from a book where I like the movie better. Haha! But I absolutely loved the book, even before Ryan Gosling was cast as the part of Noah... the only man who trumps my love for Pacey/Peter (see my top favorite shows post for more on that).

So the predecessor to this book is also one of my all time favorites... The Kite Runner, but if I had to choose only one then it would definitely have to be this one. It is hauntingly beautiful and it makes you cry, angry and feel empowered all at once. Both are must reads! No spoiler alerts here! This was a book I read in undergrad and it definitely changed me.

During my junior year of undergrad my roommate, my sister and my best guy friend started a book club "Smarts the new gansta" haha! We decided we would choose one book a month and then meet up over coffee and discuss it. Well we only made it through two books. This being the second... the first didn't make it on this list- Let's just say it had to do with little girls, sexuality, china and breaking feet. Definitely not a light read. Well neither was our second choice (we were such little activists in college). A long way gone is about the journey of young boy in Sierra Leone. It is his memoirs of being a boy soldier and how an organization and the help of a dedicated woman turned his life around. I actually got to meet Ishmael. A few years after I read the novel he came to my alma mater and spoke about his experience. He signed my book and everything! He was pretty awesome and so is his story!

Soooo I totally didnt want to put two books from any of the same series... but I mean c'mon! Any HP fan will tell you that 7 just freaking brings the whole series together and gives you so many chills and makes you cry and laugh so hard YOU feel like you just died, were born again, and saved an entire wizarding world with only the help of a snitch!! WHAT! Nerdom flows freely in my blood! :) 

I'm actually not sure when I read this book. But it's another life changer. If you have ever questioned the existence of a higher being or the presence of God in your life, this is definitely a book for you. Its the story of an older man who has lost his daughter and his journey of connecting with God in a very peculiar way.

I read this in Grad school right after the worst break up of my very long (23 years old) life! I was in a really dark place and feeling very undeserving of love, marriage or anything to do with the opposite sex. A girl from my church recommended I read this. After collecting dust on my shelf for months (sometimes I have a habit of avoiding things that are good for me) I finally picked it up at during my Thanksgiving break. On my 10 hour train ride home to NC I finished this 432 page book in awe of God and in awe of real love. This book, along with the help of my wonderful friends from grad school and of course God, I was able to desire real love. Not lust, not puppy love, not toxic love, but real genuine, God driven love! (Let's just say several years later- a lady doesnt reveal her age-the real thing is SOOO much better) If you are a woman... READ it!

So I was late reading this book. It was recommended to me years ago and I just picked it up last fall. It is so heartfelt and the emotions are so raw and tangible. I definitely needed this book while I was growing up. It would have eased a lot of the turmoil I felt inside growing up as a biracial child. Definitely an inspirational novel for all multiracial families!

Ok so this one I also just read recently. This book was the shortest most adventurous book I have ever read. I mean seriously the plot had more twists and turns than Arabian Nights. I love the simplistic wisdom and universal truths that set the tone for this novel. It brings to question destiny, free will and happiness! Definitely a must read for all!

30 Before 30

In the beginning stages of my relationship, my boyfriend and I went on a road trip to Atlanta. We were going to a party of a friend of his who was about to turn thirty. We decided to come up with a list of 30 things we want to do before we turn thirty! It was really fun and so far we have both checked off several things on our lists. The first thing you should do to make your list is to remember this is different than a bucket list. A bucket list are things that you want to do before you die. 30 before 30 are things that you want to do before you enter a new stage in your life. So here is mine:

2. Learn how to design my own locs!

1. Swim with dolphins!
3. Travel to all 7 continents! I've been to Europe and North America... just 5 more to go!

4. Master the Spanish language

5. Learn to play the guitar!

6. Dr. Milanzi 

7. Go on a mission trip!

8.  Become skilled in Capoeira

9. Become disciplined at meditation
10. Participate in a triathlon!

11. White Water Rafting!   CHECKED OFF in August 2012!!

12. Meet my half brother

13. Ride in a helicopter! Checked this off the list August 2012!

I'll just wait until it's perfect...

I started this blog in 2010. Don't worry, you are correct in counting this as the first public post. I've drafted post after post, only to delete them for fear of anyone every discovering my true thoughts and feelings before I'd have a chance to edit and perfect them. HAHA! Well, lets just say I am finally trying to embrace life's imperfections especially my own. 

I was on the phone with my mother the other day, and I shared with her a story about myself and I said a phrase that those who know me have heard many many times, "don't judge me, just love me." So, there it is. My mantra for this blog and for this year. She like most of my friends, laughed and said "I have no room to judge." 

The only purpose I have for this blog is to hopefully encourage and motivate others and myself to have faith. 

My first topic is perfection.

During the first few weeks of January everyone is walking around with their perfect ideas of how the year will go. Gym memberships are made, fast food lines are shorter, more phone calls home are made, stationary sets are bought, stamps refilled, lists upon lists are made, and everyone is perfecting their behaviors in order to have a more perfect year. Yet, it doesn't take long for the first dominio to fall and pop this perfect bubble we have already become so attached to.

How about this year we start without perfection. *Insert gasp of surprise and shock* I know what you're thinking? Why do anything if it isn't perfect? Exactly! That kind of thinking is what gets people so discouraged in the first place. Thinking you can't do it unless it's perfect is the reason why it never gets done. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start that blog, don't wait until the sun is out to go for a jog (yes, I am 25 years old and I like to rhyme... Just think of me as Fezzik- special blog shout out for anyone who gets the reference.)

Nothing in this life will be perfect. Not your love life, not your career path, not your family life, financial situation or even your spiritual life (that includes your church home). Everything in this life is a process with lots of room for progress. Think about all the movies you've seen where there is no conflict, they flop because they are boring or they are really short films because we have short attention spans when it comes to perfection or a better word for what we are seeking- stagnation. If we were to reach perfection in any area of our lives before it was our time to go we would become stagnant. We would not strive to be better, we would not grow or learn anything new. We would become like water that sits for too long. (Pretty gross right??)

So instead of waiting for perfection, I'm going to celebrate my imperfection and do the only thing I can do change and grow everyday. Welcome to my world.

I remember everything...

Three words every girl wants to hear... "I remember everything"

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