Friday, February 1, 2013

30 Before 30

In the beginning stages of my relationship, my boyfriend and I went on a road trip to Atlanta. We were going to a party of a friend of his who was about to turn thirty. We decided to come up with a list of 30 things we want to do before we turn thirty! It was really fun and so far we have both checked off several things on our lists. The first thing you should do to make your list is to remember this is different than a bucket list. A bucket list are things that you want to do before you die. 30 before 30 are things that you want to do before you enter a new stage in your life. So here is mine:

2. Learn how to design my own locs!

1. Swim with dolphins!
3. Travel to all 7 continents! I've been to Europe and North America... just 5 more to go!

4. Master the Spanish language

5. Learn to play the guitar!

6. Dr. Milanzi 

7. Go on a mission trip!

8.  Become skilled in Capoeira

9. Become disciplined at meditation
10. Participate in a triathlon!

11. White Water Rafting!   CHECKED OFF in August 2012!!

12. Meet my half brother

13. Ride in a helicopter! Checked this off the list August 2012!

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