I started this blog in 2010. Don't worry, you are correct in counting this as the first public post. I've drafted post after post, only to delete them for fear of anyone every discovering my true thoughts and feelings before I'd have a chance to edit and perfect them. HAHA! Well, lets just say I am finally trying to embrace life's imperfections especially my own.
I was on the phone with my mother the other day, and I shared with her a story about myself and I said a phrase that those who know me have heard many many times, "don't judge me, just love me." So, there it is. My mantra for this blog and for this year. She like most of my friends, laughed and said "I have no room to judge."
The only purpose I have for this blog is to hopefully encourage and motivate others and myself to have faith.
My first topic is perfection.
During the first few weeks of January everyone is walking around with their perfect ideas of how the year will go. Gym memberships are made, fast food lines are shorter, more phone calls home are made, stationary sets are bought, stamps refilled, lists upon lists are made, and everyone is perfecting their behaviors in order to have a more perfect year. Yet, it doesn't take long for the first dominio to fall and pop this perfect bubble we have already become so attached to.
How about this year we start without perfection. *Insert gasp of surprise and shock* I know what you're thinking? Why do anything if it isn't perfect? Exactly! That kind of thinking is what gets people so discouraged in the first place. Thinking you can't do it unless it's perfect is the reason why it never gets done. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start that blog, don't wait until the sun is out to go for a jog (yes, I am 25 years old and I like to rhyme... Just think of me as Fezzik- special blog shout out for anyone who gets the reference.)
Nothing in this life will be perfect. Not your love life, not your career path, not your family life, financial situation or even your spiritual life (that includes your church home). Everything in this life is a process with lots of room for progress. Think about all the movies you've seen where there is no conflict, they flop because they are boring or they are really short films because we have short attention spans when it comes to perfection or a better word for what we are seeking- stagnation. If we were to reach perfection in any area of our lives before it was our time to go we would become stagnant. We would not strive to be better, we would not grow or learn anything new. We would become like water that sits for too long. (Pretty gross right??)
So instead of waiting for perfection, I'm going to celebrate my imperfection and do the only thing I can do change and grow everyday. Welcome to my world.
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